עמותת הלוט״ר עומדת לצד לוחמי היחידה, ביחד ננצח.

תוכנית המנהיגות

תוכנית המנהיגות



עמותת הלוט״ר עומדת לצד לוחמי היחידה, ביחד ננצח.

תוכנית המנהיגות

תוכנית המנהיגות



עמותת הלוט״ר עומדת לצד לוחמי היחידה, ביחד ננצח.

תוכנית המנהיגות

תוכנית המנהיגות



The Counter Terror Unit Association Leadership Program

The Counter Terror Unit Association Leadership Program

The Counter Terror Unit Association Leadership Program

The purpose of the program - to accompany each alumnus upon their discharge and help them develop their abilities and skills in all areas of life - career, parenting and family, entrepreneurship, and social involvement.


The program focuses on accompaniment, guidance, and personal development of the Unit's alumni and will provide its participants with a unique, personal, and in-depth development process, which is suitable for those who feel that this year is the most significant and correct for them.


The purpose of the program - to accompany each alumnus upon their discharge and help them develop their abilities and skills in all areas of life - career, parenting and family, entrepreneurship, and social involvement.


The program focuses on accompaniment, guidance, and personal development of the Unit's alumni and will provide its participants with a unique, personal, and in-depth development process, which is suitable for those who feel that this year is the most significant and correct for them.


The purpose of the program - to accompany each alumnus upon their discharge and help them develop their abilities and skills in all areas of life - career, parenting and family, entrepreneurship, and social involvement.


The program focuses on accompaniment, guidance, and personal development of the Unit's alumni and will provide its participants with a unique, personal, and in-depth development process, which is suitable for those who feel that this year is the most significant and correct for them.


The Roee Negri Foundation for Technological Leadership

The Roee Negri Foundation for Technological Leadership

The Roee Negri Foundation for Technological Leadership

As part of the Leadership Program, a technological leadership foundation was established in the name of the late Major (res.) Roee Negri, team leader in the Anti-Terror Unit and the CEO of the Association.


The Foundation aims to perpetuate the values that guided Roee in life and in death. The program that the foundation will operate was built for the Unit’s alumni who choose to go into the technological professions (exact sciences), and it is intended to accompany them along the way and to encourage a generation of leaders who operate and educate the next generation under and based on the values of leadership, excellence, giving, and comradery.


The foundation will work to provide financial assistance to selected students, which is intended to allow them to focus on excellence in their academic studies.


The Foundation will also assist in career development in the technological field through cooperation with technology companies and a mentorship program.


In addition, the students will take part in a program for accompanying at-risk youth in preparation for enlistment and will go through various content on leadership.

As part of the Leadership Program, a technological leadership foundation was established in the name of the late Major (res.) Roee Negri, team leader in the Anti-Terror Unit and the CEO of the Association.


The Foundation aims to perpetuate the values that guided Roee in life and in death. The program that the foundation will operate was built for the Unit’s alumni who choose to go into the technological professions (exact sciences), and it is intended to accompany them along the way and to encourage a generation of leaders who operate and educate the next generation under and based on the values of leadership, excellence, giving, and comradery.


The foundation will work to provide financial assistance to selected students, which is intended to allow them to focus on excellence in their academic studies.


The Foundation will also assist in career development in the technological field through cooperation with technology companies and a mentorship program.


In addition, the students will take part in a program for accompanying at-risk youth in preparation for enlistment and will go through various content on leadership.

About Roee

About Roee

About Roee

Roee was an outstanding officer throughout his regular and reserve service in the Unit, setting an example and being role model for both soldiers and commanders alike. In the last two years, he served as the CEO of the Anti-Terror Unit Association. By virtue of his position, he initiated many community activities to support the Unit’s veterans and course graduates, along with ongoing accompaniment of the lone soldiers. Roee led many leadership programs, including accompanying and assisting at-risk youth. He graduated with honors from the Tel Aviv University with a degree in computer science and management, and at the same time began working at the startup company "Salto", which embraces and supports the program, all while striving for excellence and endless giving.


Roee was one of the first to reach Be’eri, and what he was met with at the gates of hell left no doubt in his understanding that this was a fight for the homeland.


With professionalism, determination, unparalleled courage, and leadership above all, he led his force to clear house by house, while engaging in hard battle to save dozens of hostages - women, children, and men.


Roee, being Roee, charged first, without fear while realizing that they had entered into a difficult encounter, pushed his team soldiers back and protected them with his body.


Roee was made of the stuff of leaders by birth, one who is followed not by virtue of authority but by virtue of personal example.

One who sees everyone, loves everyone equally.

Roee fell at the age of 28 as a hero and as a leader on Saturday 7/10 while protecting our homeland.

Roee's father, Shmulik, asked in his eulogy:

If Roee had known that this was going to happen when he went into the house where he fell, would he still have gone in or not?

And his entire team shouted "in"!

Such was Roee - a leader whose subordinates knew that he would always be the first one

Roee was an outstanding officer throughout his regular and reserve service in the Unit, setting an example and being role model for both soldiers and commanders alike. In the last two years, he served as the CEO of the Anti-Terror Unit Association. By virtue of his position, he initiated many community activities to support the Unit’s veterans and course graduates, along with ongoing accompaniment of the lone soldiers. Roee led many leadership programs, including accompanying and assisting at-risk youth. He graduated with honors from the Tel Aviv University with a degree in computer science and management, and at the same time began working at the startup company "Salto", which embraces and supports the program, all while striving for excellence and endless giving.


Roee was one of the first to reach Be’eri, and what he was met with at the gates of hell left no doubt in his understanding that this was a fight for the homeland.


With professionalism, determination, unparalleled courage, and leadership above all, he led his force to clear house by house, while engaging in hard battle to save dozens of hostages - women, children, and men.


Roee, being Roee, charged first, without fear while realizing that they had entered into a difficult encounter, pushed his team soldiers back and protected them with his body.


Roee was made of the stuff of leaders by birth, one who is followed not by virtue of authority but by virtue of personal example.

One who sees everyone, loves everyone equally.

Roee fell at the age of 28 as a hero and as a leader on Saturday 7/10 while protecting our homeland.

Roee's father, Shmulik, asked in his eulogy:

If Roee had known that this was going to happen when he went into the house where he fell, would he still have gone in or not?

And his entire team shouted "in"!

Such was Roee - a leader whose subordinates knew that he would always be the first one

What is your part in the program?

What is your part in the program?

What is your part in the program?

You are our partners on the journey! The Association is currently in the phase of raising resources - your donation will be designated to the Negri Technological Leadership Foundation, so that we can go ahead with the program already in the coming academic year and ensure support and guidance for the next generation of leaders.

You are our partners on the journey! The Association is currently in the phase of raising resources - your donation will be designated to the Negri Technological Leadership Foundation, so that we can go ahead with the program already in the coming academic year and ensure support and guidance for the next generation of leaders.

"Wisdom is with the leader, for he shall set the example"

"Wisdom is with the leader, for he shall set the example"

כל הזכויות שמורות לעמותת הלוט”ר

כל הזכויות שמורות לעמותת הלוט”ר

כל הזכויות שמורות לעמותת הלוט”ר